Friday, May 31, 2013

happy friday!

So I made it through the first workweek. This is all I have to show for today:

A picture of two birds that were VERY close to me during lunch.

I really need to get better at taking pictures this summer. I'm not one of those people that brings their camera everywhere they go. I guess having a camera phone helps, but I'm never ready when a Kodak moment happens.
It's also hard to capture the sights of this beautiful and strange new place when I'm in an office all day. My weekdays are like this: Wake up, ride an elevator, walk to work, ride an elevator, work, ride an elevator, walk home, ride an elevator, sleep. Just up and down elevators all day basically. Don't get me wrong, I love my new internship, but it's hard to explore when you're ready for bed at 8. However, my roommates and I have big plans for this weekend...stay tuned!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

mandatory cat photo

I already miss my little cat, Molly. She's getting older and my family and I love her so much. She kind of runs the show at home. I only see her when I'm on school breaks.

Anyway, just thought she deserved a mention on here.

Today I had my first D.C. food truck experience. My roommate and I got some curry and naan and ate it outside. We just people-watched and talked for a while. And I feel like I'm going to love the D.C. food scene! (allow me to join the 33434534 other people who Instragam every meal they eat...sorry :)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

plastic bags are the new enemy

The funny thing is that while I say that I live in the midwest, this blog will really live out its infancy on the east coast - specifically, Washington, D.C.! I have an internship out here for the summer. Yay!

Until recently, I had settled with my plan of living in my college town and working over the summer. ...until I got an offer out here and my plans changed literally overnight. In a scarily fast amount of time, I found a place to live in D.C., bought my plane tickets, subletted my apartment at school and bought new work clothes. My efficiency with getting all my stuff together pretty much reaffirmed how much I wanted to live in D.C. this summer.

I just moved in yesterday so I'm still getting myself situated.


In my humble opinion, D.C. is like New York City but cleaner. In my area, there is seriously no trash littering the streets, and there are SO MANY FLOWERS AND TREES. I am quite happily surprised.

Some of these photos were taken as I decided to walk two miles to a more affordable grocery store. Let me preface this by saying that I get annoyingly overconfident when I'm in a new city. I'm all like "Pssh, I have the Google Maps app and good shoes, I'll be fine." I ended up buying way more groceries than I intended and walked out with no less than SEVEN huge plastic bags. It was as much of a disaster as you can imagine. I eventually dejectedly sat down on a bench with my broken bags. A man with a baby gave me some paper bags out of pity. Then I hailed a cab. I learned my lesson there.

Regardless of that snafu, I already love this place. First day of internship = success. And D.C. is so beautiful.

Monday, May 27, 2013


I'm just getting situated with this blog of mine. I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time and I'm excited that I finally did it. Whoever you are, thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet. I promise hope that it will get more exciting. Let's see where this adventure goes...