So, it happened - I am home from DC! Well, I'm actually in Virginia at the airport waiting to catch my
flight home. It's crazy. My roommates and I unanimously agreed that
while some of the days felt long, the weeks couldn't have flown by any
faster. Either way, it's hard to believe that my time in the District is
over for now. Operative phrase being "for now" - I can see myself
making a life here after graduation, and while I obviously won't commit
to anything just yet, it's a nice thought to keep in mind.
One thing is for sure: I will miss the endless thrills that come with exploring a new city, let alone the capitol of the United States. Every weekend was a blank canvas, and I feel like I took advantage of that opportunity...
I saw really breathtaking and famous places (monuments, museums, etc.) that are so historically and presently relevant.
I tried to never turn down the chance to do something a bit different, like kayak on the Potomac or attend a Hungarian culture festival.
I worked almost 50 hours a week at an internship and learned a lot of lessons (mostly good ones) along the way.
Let's be honest: I ate a lot of food. I participated in a lot of brunches. It was delicious.
I met several intelligent, motivated and generally amazing people who were always up to accompany me on adventures, and who I know that I will see again.
I have never been so sleep deprived in my life. I have also never been more informed about current events in my life. After I get home, I would like to end the former habit and maintain the latter.
Even while being constantly surrounded by people and doing a whole lot of socializing in one of the most powerful cities in the world, there were times when I still felt sort of alone - but it was a good thing. I took a leap of faith and moved somewhere by myself. And to have the whole thing work out was so validating.
I totally stepped out of my comfort zone many times, and it was sort of fun and scary and thrilling all at once.
Not to get cliche, but I have
learned a lot about myself over these past few months. I really have. That's not to imply that there isn't a lot that I'm still figuring
And now to go back to the routine of school and a life that makes me comfortable. Now that I've had a taste of what my life could be like (might be like) after graduation, I don't know if I will view my lovely little college town differently. However, a lot of people have insistently stressed that I should enjoy my last year of school to the fullest, so I plan on doing just that.
...I also don't know if I will find a desire to blog as much anymore. Writing is without a question my favorite activity, but I've realized that I am always struggling to find a permanent niche in the blogging world. I blogged when I went to India and DC, but without those trips guiding my content...I am just more disposed to writing on my own terms without feeling like I need to post something on a website.
And now to go back to the routine of school and a life that makes me comfortable. Now that I've had a taste of what my life could be like (might be like) after graduation, I don't know if I will view my lovely little college town differently. However, a lot of people have insistently stressed that I should enjoy my last year of school to the fullest, so I plan on doing just that.
...I also don't know if I will find a desire to blog as much anymore. Writing is without a question my favorite activity, but I've realized that I am always struggling to find a permanent niche in the blogging world. I blogged when I went to India and DC, but without those trips guiding my content...I am just more disposed to writing on my own terms without feeling like I need to post something on a website.
Whoever you are, thanks for reading my
rambling narrative. I have to say, it's been personally humbling, eye-opening and therapeutic
to share my slice of life in this corner of the internet world.
Until next time!